Pharmacists' Oath

Handling of prescription :-

I Swear by the code of Ethics of Pharmacy Council of India in relation to the community and shall act as an integral part of health care team.

I shall uphold the laws and standards governing my profession.

I shall strive to perfect and enlarge my knowledge to contribute to the advancement of pharmacy and public health.

I shall follow the system, which I consider best for pharmaceutical care and counseling of patients.

I shall endeavour to discover and manufacture drugs of quality to alleviate sufferings of humanity.

I shall hold in confidence the knowledge gained about the patients in connection with professional practice and never divulge unless compelled to do so by the law.

I shall associate with organizations having their objectives for betterment of the profession of Pharmacy and make contribution to carry out the work of those organisations.

While I continue to keep this Oath inviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of pharmacy respected by all, at all times!

Should I trespass and violate this oath, may the reverse be my lot!

Pharmacist in relation to medical profession :-

The pharmacist must be law obeying citizen and must fulfill the provisions of the pharmaceutical and other laws and regulations. He should have relationship with his own professional organizations. He should maintain dignity, decorum, decency and propriety of his profession. Following are the code of ethics of a pharmacist in relation to medical profession:-

1. The professional activity of the medical practitioner as well as the pharmacists should be confined to their own field only. Medical practitioners should not possess drugs stores and pharmacists should not diagnose diseases and prescribe remedies. A pharmacist may, however, can deliver first aid to the victim in-case of accident or emergency.

2. No pharmacist should recommend a medical practitioner in particular. Pharmacist should be never entering into secret arrangements with practitioner to offer them commission by recommending his dispensary or drug store. He should maintain strictly the professional secrecy, unless required to do so by law.

3. A pharmacist should always maintain proper link between physicians and people. He should advise the physicians on pharmaceutical matters and should educate the people regarding health and hygiene. The pharmacist should be keep himself/herself up-to-date with pharmaceutical knowledge from various journals or publications.
Any information acquired by a pharmacist during his professional activities should not be disclosed to any third party until and unless required to do so by law.