Diploma in Pharmacy Part-1 and Part-2 :-

Minimum qualification for admission to Diploma in Pharmacy Part-I course -A pass in any of the following examinations with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Mathematics.

Intermediate examination in Science;

The first year of the three year degree course in Science,

10+2 examination (academic stream) in Science;

Pre–degree examination;

Any other qualification approved by the Pharmacy Council of India as equivalent to any of the above examination.

Provided that there shall be reservation of seats for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Govt. /State Govts./Union Territory Admns. as the case may be from time to time

Duration of the Course :-

The duration of the course shall be for two academic years with each academic year spread over a period of not less than one hundred and eighty working days in addition to 500 hours practical training spread over a period of not less than 3 months.

Course of Study :-

The course of study for Diploma in Pharmacy Part-I and Diploma in Pharmacy Part-II shall include the subjects as given in the Tables I & II below. The number of hour devoted to each subject for its teaching in Theory and Practical, shall not be less than that noted against it in columns 2 and 3 of the Tables below.